Man Arrested After Shocking Attack In Barcelona Metro

A man was arrested following a disturbing incident in the Barcelona Metro, highlighting concerns about violence on public transit. The video captured the man randomly attacking women at the Camp de l’Arpa station, causing outrage globally.

Around 10 a.m. on Friday, February 9th, the assailant was seen slapping several women without apparent reason. In one instance, he violently struck a woman on the metro platform who was looking at her phone, leading to public shock and anger.

After assaulting two bystanders who tried to intervene, the man was swiftly restrained and arrested by security guards. Despite his history of criminal activities, the police initially released him, thinking it was a minor assault. However, upon reviewing CCTV footage, they discovered he had assaulted at least twelve women unprovoked.

The severity of his attacks became evident, leading to his re-arrest later that night. The named assailant, who remains unidentified, caused serious injuries, including a perforated eardrum to one victim seen in the video. Although only one victim has filed a complaint, the police are urging others to come forward.

The Hate Crimes Unit is investigating whether the attacks can be charged as gender-based hate crimes, as all the victims were women. While the Minister of Equality and Feminisms and the Transports Metropolitans of Barcelona have condemned the assaults, the broader issue of violence against women remains a persistent concern. Follow My Biography Page For More Updates.


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